LEVITRA Levitra (Levitra) - is one of the most advanced medical products, specifically designed to treat erektilnoy dysfunction. Effects of Levitra like Viagra - it also increases the blood flow to the penis, helping to achieve erection and maintain it.  Buy Viagra, Levitra, Cialis in Pharmacy Drugstore
Levitra - is the trade name Vardenafila, a new oral tablets for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction. The research brought the following advantages over their drug main competitors: Fast-action (after 15 minutes after ingestion). Effects of the drug lasts up to 6 hours. The drug has no restrictions on the admission of food. The drug acts starting with the first admission. Levitra normalizes disturbances of potency in the majority of men - Levitra helps men achieve erection, which sildenafil was ineffective also highly Levitra in patients with concomitant diseases (eg diabetes). The drug has a better selection, which reduces the frequency and the severity of side effects. The results of the first clinical trials of Levitra in men who suffer for erektilnuyu dysfunction, showed that men who ate the drug Levitra, had three times more likely successful sexual intercourse than those who consumed a placebo. Also, studies show that Levitra particularly successful helping those men who had not helped other methods of treatment. High efficiency Levitra evidenced, for example the fact that normal sexual intercourse had the opportunity to have a 9 out of 10 patients who took Levitra. Effects of Levitra is similar to the action of the popular drug Viagra, but in many cases Levitra is effective. According to the results of multiple clinical trials of Levitra medication proved effective as a means of maintaining potency and treatment of erectile dysfunction. What is Levitra?
Levitra - a new drug for treating erectile dysfunction in men, developed by German pharmaceutical company «Bayer», belonging to the class of inhibitors fosfodiesterazy 5. Does that automatically receiving Levitra causes erection? None. Levitra takes effect only with sexual stimulation.
Levitra is a means tested? Clinical efficacy Levitra confirm numerous studies involving thousands of people and the various medical centers. Levitra has successfully used a lot of men in many countries around the world.
How Levitra work? Levitra helps increase the flow of blood into the penis during sexual stimulation, and thus helped the emergence and preservation of erection sufficient for normal sexual activity. After sex erection naturally cease, as should be.
Does Levitra heart?
It is proved that Levitra in dose of 10 mg does not reduce the ability to move physical activity in men with coronary heart disease.
Precautions when using Levitra?
You can not take Levitra if contraindicated physical stresses of coitus.
Which drugs Levitra is not compatible?
Contraindicated joint use Levitra with nitrates and nitric oxide donor. And as with indinavir and ritonavir (used in HIV infection). Levitra should be taken not earlier than 6 hours after administration of alpha-adrenoblokatorov.
Is the drug habit?
Clinical studies have shown that over time the effectiveness of the drug is not reduced, and getting used to it does not develop.
What are the implications of long-term treatment of Levitra?
The satisfaction of their sexual lives.
What does it mean if Levitra not act?
This means that you should go consult a doctor.
What is the duration of erection after taking Levitra?
After receiving Levitra erection lasts as long as is necessary to complete the sexual act. After sex erection naturally cease, as should be. After some time, with sexual stimulation, she may appear again. And so to 8-12 hours.
How often can I take Levitra?
Typically, Levitra taken 1 time per day. Initial dose is usually 10 mg.
Can Levitra help patients suffering from diabetes?
Maybe. The use of Levitra improves the performance of sexual function in men with diabetes, regardless of the severity of disease and expression of erectile dysfunction.
When taking Levitra?
Take Levitra should be as prescribed by a doctor or counselor. For most men the drug takes effect within 10 minutes and remains effective up to 8-12 hours. Levitra may be taken irrespective of food intake. The successful result of sexual excitement.
If any restrictions on eating while taking Levitra?
None. Levitra may be taken in conjunction with or without food.
How and where better to take Levitra?
You can take Levitra for some time before the close. Some men Levitra takes effect after 10 minutes. But remember, without the effect of sexual initiation does not occur.
Can I use Levitra day for a long time?
If you have no contraindications, and the doctor recommended you take Levitra, you can do for a long time.
Can women take Levitra?
None. Levitra is only for men. - Who produces Levitra? Levitra is designed and manufactured by German pharmaceutical company «Bayer», Levitra is registered and sold in many countries around the world. Levitra - prescription drug. Can it be bought on the advice of a doctor? Yes, if your doctor has recommended Levitra, you can buy at the pharmacy. Buy Viagra, Levitra, Cialis in Pharmacy Drugstore |
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